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Homepage of CritcallyCode.

I'll be updating this page with new projects as they are completed. Please follow this page if you are interested.

Welcome To My Portfolio

Table of Contents

Machine Learning/Deep Learning Projects

Flower Classification - Triple Model Classification (Keras)

Flowers are classified in this project, and the performance of three different models is compared. A custom model, as well as ResNet50 and InceptionV3 are compared.

Flower Classification Repo

Text Classification Comparision - (Keras)

Text classification is carried out on multiple bodies of text. An embedding model is used for the classification, and the performance of an LSTM model is compared as well.

Text Classification Repo

X-Ray Classification Transfer Learning Tutorial - (Keras)

Classification of X-Ray medical images is carried out in this project. One classifier is trained on the original dataset and then a second set of data has perturbations applied to it to simulate image corruption. An example of transfer learning is carried out after this, retraining the original model on the new dataset.

X-Ray Classifier Repo

CIAFR-10 Classification - Transfer Learning - (PyTorch)

Classification done on the CIFAR-10 dataset. The notebook attached to the repo also serves as a tutorial for image classification with PyTorch.

CIFAR-10 Classification Repo

Fruit Classification - (PyTorch)

Classification carried out on a dataset of over 100 fruits. The model is a custom model inheriting from nn.Module.

Fruits-360 Classification Repo

Text Generation - Character Level - (PyTorch)

An implementation of a text generation method with Pytorch, created with a recurrent neural network.

Text Generation with Pytorch RNN Repo

Neural Style Transfer - (PyTorch)

An example of neural style transfer done with PyTorch. The content of one image is redrawn with the style of another image by averaging the loss of the two images.

Style Transfer Repo

Transfer Results

Content Images

Style Images

Mushroom Classifier

Classification and visualization of a dataset consisting of mushrooms with many different features.

Mushroom Classifier Repo

Video Game Sales

An analysis of video game sales and a comparison of several different sales prediction methods.

Video Game Sales Analysis and Prediction Repo

Sentiment Analysis

A custom sentiment analysis module was created, based on the voting of multiple classifiers like Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, and Stocastic Gradient Descent. The performance of this custom sentiment analysis module is compared with the performance of other sentiment analysis modules.

Sentiment Analysis Repo

Titanic Analysis

An analysis and classfication done on the Titanic dataset. Data is preprocessed and missing values imputed, the data is then visualized and analyzed. Afterwards, multiple classifiers are run on the dataset and their performance is compared.

Titanic Analysis Repo

Data Analysis

Facebook Text Data Analysis

This project catalogues many functions I used to visualize and analyze my own Facebook data. The analysis was carried out on text data and a number of different analytical techniques - such as sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, and word clouds - were used.

Facebook Text Analysis Repo

GameInformer Data Analysis

Data was scraped from over 1100 reviews of games done by GameInformer. The data was then analyzed to explore patterns regarding review scores, publishers, developers, consoles and more.

GameInformer Review Analysis Repo

Other Python Projects

Movie Plot Generator

This project collected plot summaries from a variety of movies catalogued at the Open Movie Database. These plot summaries were then used to create new plot ideas for writers. The project compared multiple methods of generating text, including using an LSTM neural network, a Recurrent Neural Network and Markov Chains.

Story Plot Generator Repo

Movie Recommendation System

A movie recommendation system based on the similarity of movie attributes such as Director, cast, genre, and various keywords. The similarities between the movies are calculated with different metrics and averaged together.

Movie Recommender Repo

Front End/Web Development

Javascript Ball Bounce Animation

An animation featuring multiple colored balls bouncing around, which gradually speed up.

JavaScript Animation Here

Javascript Custom Media Database

A custom media database that allows the user to enter and track the media they engage with. They can enter the type of media, the completion status, and any notes they have.

Media Database Repo

Javascript Quiz App

A simple quiz app.

Quiz App Here

Javascript Weather App

A weather app that gets weather based on your current GPS location.

Weather App HERE

Django Blog App

A blog app created in Django. This app allows the creation and editing of blog posts by users that can create and edit their accounts.

Blog Found Here

Blog App Repo

Django Craigslist Wrapper

A wrapper for Craigslist that lets people make searches and view search results with an improved visual format.

Craigslist Wrapper Repo

Django Poll App

An app that allows users to see and vote on various polls.

Polling App Repo

Django To-Do App

A to-do app created in Django that lets the user create items on a to-do list and delete those items when finished.

Django To-Do Repo


Blood Cell Classifier - Transfer Learning - Model Finetuning (Keras)

This project demonstrates the use of transfer learning and finetuning to classify images of blood cells.

Blood Cell Classifier Repo and IPy Notebook

Keras Image Recognition Tutorial

Keras Image Recognition Tutorial Article

Multiple Linear Regression Tutorial

Multiple Linear Regression Tutorial Article

PyTorch Transfer Learning Tutorial

Transfer Learning PyTorch Tutorial Article

Data Analysis and Storage with MongoDB Tutorial

Data Analysis/MongoDB Tutorial Article

Overview of Classification Methods in Python/Scikit-Learn Tutorial

Scikit-learn Classification Tutorial Article